What is Civic X Syllabus?

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An Umbrella Term

‘Civic X’ is an umbrella term that we have adopted to describe the body of the constantly evolving, debated, and debatable knowledge produced as part of civic research, data, technology, and design spaces.

  • ‘Civic’ is the core principle that unites all resources collected in this space: folx who produce and/or use these resources are likely focused on creating something toward a civic or public good.
  • The ‘X’ denotes any or all the different words that could follow ‘Civic.’ Our web developer Yu Lai aptly describes the ‘X’ as “an exponent of civic innovation, suggesting the many forms that civic innovations can take.” For us, the forms that civic innovation can take are civic technology, civic data, civic design, and civic research.
  • And, a ‘syllabus’ is a tool used to organize resources for learning.

Making Quality Civic Knowledge Accessible

Civic X Syllabus makes thought leadership in the civic innovation space accessible by curating respected and high-quality civic innovation resources searchable by resource type and topic.

We build and maintain ‘Civic X Syllabus’ with civic researchers, students, educators, civic/policy teams, and civic enthusiasts in mind. We are certainly not the ‘end all, be all’ of what is or is not essential in these spaces. Still, we are attempting to document resources that individuals in these spaces would agree are ‘canon’ and promote healthy dialogue and debate about issues and topics still in flux.

Overall, Civic X Syllabus aspires to be a dynamic, inclusive, and evolving repository that educates and engenders critical conversations and collective growth within the ever-shifting landscape of civic innovation.

Our Mission

‘Civic X Syllabus’ is a play on ‘Civic’ and the way people do collaborations using ‘X’ as a conjunction. Ha! 😁 All in all, ‘Civic X Syllabus’ seeks to democratize thought leadership in the civic innovation space by curating respected and high-quality civic innovation resources searchable by resource type and topic. We build and maintain ‘Civic X Syllabus’ with civic researchers, students, educators, civic/policy teams, and civic enthusiasts in mind.