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Civic innovation projects are all different, but they will likely go through at least three phases of a project life cycle: design, implementation, and sustainability. Here, we break each of these phases down into different units that are integral for that phase.

Project Well-being


What does ‘Build With, Not For’ mean?

Selected Resources

View More in Build With


What is burnout?

Why should it matter?

Selected Resources

View More in Burnout

Project Design


What does 'success' mean? What does it mean to 'fail'?

What do 'success' and 'failure' look like for our project?

Selected Resources

View More in Indicators of Success or Failure


What does it mean to 'engage' people in our project?

Selected Resources

View More in Engagement

Project Implementation


What questions elicit good projects?

Selected Resources

  • Are You Asking The Right Question? by David Sturt on Forbes discusses the profound impact of asking the right questions on innovation and value creation. The article highlights how this kind of questioning can disrupt complacency and redirect focus towards significant breakthroughs.
View More in Asking Questions


How can we ensure that our Civic X project is accessible to all audiences?

Selected Resources

  • Disability Inclusion Toolkit includes introductory disability definitions and language guidelines, in addition to guidance on creating accessible in-person and virtual events, social media, and disability inclusive employment practices from recruitment to retention.
View More in Access + (Dis)Ability


How can we share updates on our Civic X project with different audiences?

Selected Resources

View More in Communication + Dissemination


What is big data?

What should we know about quantitative methods, secondary datasets, and administrative data?

Selected Resources

View More in Big Data


What is ‘thick data’?

What should we know about qualitative methods?

Selected Resources

  • Expanding the Qualitative Repertoire: Methodological Innovation is a cyber seminar that provides an introduction to newer and more innovative qualitative approaches that may be less well known to health researchers but which allow additional insights into individual- and system-level factors that influence stakeholder perspectives and behaviors. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach will be discussed so that researchers can determine the appropriate methodological choice for their needs.
View More in Thick Data


How can we ensure that those we are collecting data from (1) know that their data is being collected and (2) actively consent to having their data collected, inclusive of during and after data collection?

What should we consider when we have access to or store other people’s data?

Selected Resources

View More in Consent


How can we bring an equity lens into data collection and analysis?

Selected Resources

  • Gender Shades Project evaluates the accuracy of AI powered gender classification products.
  • Tech Equity Resources and Training is a set of training modules created by the City of Austin’s Innovation Office as part of the Policing Tech Equity project. The modules aim to address the intersection of technology and equity, covering three main areas: Equity and Technology, Equity and Data, and Equity and the Technology Ecosystem.
View More in Equity in Analytics


How do we use technology to reach people?

How do we use technology to create pathways for people to reach us? To interact?

Selected Resources

View More in Digital Services + Digital Equity


IF we’re ‘successful,’ we want to scale…right? How should we approach ‘scale‘?

Selected Resources

View More in Scale